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Annual Report 2018 for ROCKWOOL International A/S

Friday, February 8 at 11:00 AM CET

Presented by

“Growing demand for stone wool insulation contributed to good growth across all markets, where Central & Eastern Europe, the United Kingdom and North America performed particularly well”.

Henrik Brandt & Jens Birgersson


14.7% growth in local currencies

EBIT margin

Up from 10.8% last year


Up from 17.9% last year

“Continuous improvement initiatives at our manufacturing sites together with investments in new manufacturing capacity are aimed at supporting short- and long-term growth for ROCKWOOL. We are also investing in improving our existing manufacturing facilities to become more energy efficient and with less environmental impact”.

Henrik Brandt & Jens Birgersson

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In 2018, favourable construction market conditions that took hold in 2016 continued through the year. Growing demand for stone wool insulation contributed to good growth across all markets, where Central & Eastern Europe, the United Kingdom and North America performed particularly well. After a slow start in 2018, the Russian market turned positive during the year.

For 2019, we see greater market volatility related among other things to trade tensions, the volatile geopolitical climate and general business cycle uncertainties for the global economy. With a solid backlog of building permits, however, we see a positive outlook for construction in 2019, though at a lower growth level than 2018. Euroconstruct currently anticipates an overall construction sector growth of around two percent, which is about one percentage point lower than in 2018.

Picture - © the Antwerp Port Authority - Peter Knoop

Havenhuis/ Port House - Acoustic Capabilities
Sales growth

in local currencies

EBIT margin



excluding acquisitions

ROCKWOOL Group delivered positive sales development above the general growth within the construction industry in both the large European markets as well as in North America in 2018 as demand for our non-combustible insulation products remained strong.

The positive development in net sales was due to good growth in volume in most main markets and the fact that we utilised available capacity in our network of factories in Europe to meet customer demands, with reliable stable delivery service as well as a higher increase in sales prices compared to last year.

RockWorld imagery, The big picture, rock, water, sea

14.7% growth in local currencies

EBIT margin

Up from 10.8% last year


Up from 17.9% last year

Kim Junge Andersen

Kim Junge Andersen

Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer (CFO),