Energy renovation can mean many different things depending on who you are and what your goals are. From homeowners looking to save energy to politicians and lawmakers eager to stimulate a green recovery, energy renovation certainly means something to many of us. But what does it mean to you? No matter what you’re looking for, we’ve created a guide to meet your needs, so why not check them out below!

Everything you need to know about energy renovation

What does energy and green renovation mean?

Most of the world’s buildings are energy inefficient. Constructed during a time where little or no sustainable practices were applied to structures, green renovation is a way to reduce the energy intensity of these buildings. In 2017, the BPIE reviewed available Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) data and found that less than three percent of the building stock in the EU qualifies as being A-label. In order to reach a decarbonised building stock by 2050, the vast majority of buildings in the EU need to be extremely energy efficient, complying with EPC label A.

Green renovation takes a holistic view of a structure’s entire lifecycle. Although there is no single definition of what a green home or building is, it is primarily a process of assessing the carbon footprint for all aspects of the structure.

Green or energy renovation projects typically address concerns surrounding:

  • The total amount of emissions generated over the life of the building.
  • The types of energy generation systems used to supply the structure.
  • The optimisation of the building’s design to reduce the carbon footprint to a level as close to net-zero as possible.
  • The ability to recycle the building materials when the structure reaches its end of useful life.
  • The responsible sourcing of building materials used during remodelling.

Different schemes and sustainable building codes apply to cities around the world. Achieving carbon-neutral cities by 2050 will require a concerted effort and doubling the rate of renovation every year moving forward. Deep renovation initiatives can cut energy demand by up to 75 percent in structures.

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